
2nd December 2022

Celebrating 75 Years – 2010’s Case Study: Chase Farm Hospital

Back in 2015, Perega was appointed as civil and structural engineers for the £150m redevelopment of Chase Farm Hospital in Enfield. At the time, the contract was the largest ever secured by Perega’s London office.

When the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust purchased the hospital, many of the buildings were in a poor state of repair and dispersed over nearly 37 acres. The hospital urgently needed to be redeveloped in order to meet current demands and standards.

Chase Farm Hospital

The existing outdated hospital buildings were replaced with a new build hospital that delivers world-class care facilities. These include a range of wards, theatres, an urgent care centre, day surgery, outpatient ambulatory care zone, imaging, diagnostics and supporting facilities, together with a new energy centre and car park extension. The project was managed by IHP, under the NHS ProCure21+ National Framework, with Perega as a Principal Supply Chain Member.

Working as part of a team with architects IBI Group and building services engineers Troup Bywaters + Anders, our engineers designed the sub-structure and super-structure of the new hospital building, as well as the underground surface water and foul water drainage, estate roads and a new junction on to the public highway. The team’s leading innovative design was developed in consultation with all departments and clinicians, and included flexible options that will allow service changes to be introduced in future.

Chase Farm Hospital main entrance

Technology also played a key role in the project. Design coordination and communication between stakeholders was made easier by working to BIM Level 2, the completed building is also digitally enabled and designed to allow for future integration of new technology. The innovative new building is designed to promote faster, more comfortable recovery, treatment of more patients and increased sustainability.

Chase Farm Hospital redevelopment

To help reduce the impact of high ongoing maintenance costs as well as minimising disruption on site, as services transferred from the old building to new, meeting the completion date was crucial and required a tight construction programme. Our approach to the design of the structure through the completion and release of packages of work, contributed directly to the delivery of the project on-time and on budget against an ambitious delivery programme. Chase Farm holds the record for the fastest delivered NHS project of this scale.

After four years of planning and building, the new North London hospital opened its doors in the Autumn of 2018, as a shining example of a 21st century facility.

Celebrating 75 years: other selected case studies