Perega Perega 01483565886

Bata Shoe Factory, East Tilbury, Essex

Client: Thames Industrial Estates Limited

Architect: LOM

Contractor: Silver DCC

Value: £10 million

Perega was commissioned in August 2016 by Thames Industrial Estates Limited to provide civil and structural engineering services for the first phase of the redevelopment of the vacant land around the historic former Bata Shoe Factory site in East Tilbury. The factory was built in the 1930’s to provide an entire community for workers at the factory and their families. It was, at the time, the largest shoe factory in the world.

The first phase of the new development is to move the industrial estate access westwards forming a new access road and separating it from the residential development. The first phase of 50 contemporary high-quality family homes are then to be constructed. Shared surfaces and SUDS are a key feature of the new scheme.

As part of our work for the first phase, we have considered the impact of future phases on the drainage design and made provision for it. We have also had to work with the architects to introduce flood-resistant construction as the site is in a flood zone.